1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on the ‘Settings’ icon on the left bar. 
  3. Click on ‘Manage Users’ to see the list of users.
  4. Click on ‘Add Member’ at the top of the list. 

  1. A window will open and you will be asked to enter the user email and password.

  1. Click ‘Next’. 
  2. The ‘Permissions and Access’ window will open enabling you to set the level of security clearance for the user.
  3. Select the ‘User type’ - Administrator, Supervisor, User, Restricted.
  • Administrator: This user has full access to the system and can view, create or modify any object (dashcam, group, users, settings).
  • Supervisor: This user has the same access as the administrator, except for the ability to add, modify or remove users.
  • User: This user has full access to the system, but cannot add new dashcams or create new groups.
  • Restricted: This user is defined in the system, but can not login.

Detailed Security Clearance Definition

Add DashcamAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Modify DashcamAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Delete DashcamAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Add GroupAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Modify GroupAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Delete GroupAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Add BookmarkAllowedAllowedAllowedDenied
Remove BookmarkAllowedAllowedAllowedDenied
Add GeofenceAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Modify GeofenceAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Remove GeofenceAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Modify EventsAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
Create UserAllowedDeniedDeniedDenied
Modify UserAllowedDeniedDeniedDenied
Remove UserAllowedDeniedDeniedDenied
Regional SettingsAllowedAllowedDeniedDenied
  1. Select the ‘Groups’ the user can access. You can select multiple groups.
    • Note: the ‘Groups’ are defined in the ‘Cameras’ view. Read more about this in the Group Dashcams rticle. 
  2. Click ‘ADD’ to apply.